On 1 November 2014 10:47, Diego Elio Pettenò <flamee...@flameeyes.eu> wrote:
> But let's reason a moment on the no-linked-logs policy: as Rich
> pointed out already, the policy is there for a reason and that reason
> is that we don't want people to submit bugs with pastebins or home
> server logs because they are bound to go away. I link logs to Amazon,
> which I pay for. Mike says it's unreasonable to expect me to pay
> Amazon for them forever... I pay $1/mo for storing viewing an adding
> the logs. And even that turned out to be actually an excess as I was
> paying between $.12 and $.20 for storing EBS snapshots from long ago
> that I never ended up removing. It's not even a rounding error at this
> point.

And I forgot to add, to run the tinderbox, hosting the server costs me
$600/mo — and sure, I use it to stage the packages for a bunch of my
private servers too, and it runs fate instances for libav. But you can
probably note how the two numbers don't even come *close* to each

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flamee...@flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/

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