Yes, Vim license was the base of it, as I noticed, at least by now, that it
meets the requirements I thought necessary. About that mistake, thanks for
noticing it. It will be corrected.

As I said earlier, I am interested in getting different people feedback
about each item of the license, and if anyone consider something could be
added and/or modified in any way, I would be glad to hear about it.
Thanks again!

2014-11-03 16:00 GMT-03:00 Ulrich Mueller <>:

> >>>>> On Mon, 03 Nov 2014, Matthias Maier wrote:
> > You have chosen to relicense your fork of the codebase under a custom
> > license that you labeled "SCIM license".
> > A quick peek at the license [2] reveals quite a cumbersome number of
> > issues (forced contact, contact possibility, redistribution in form of
> > tarballs and patches). Such a license usually prevents any meaningful
> > number of external contributions and packaging. Not to mention that
> > layman's licenses are almost always fundamentally flawed.
> AFAICS, this is identical to the vim license, but with clause
> II) 2) e) removed. (Which makes the sentence "must be distributed in
> one of the following five ways" flawed, because now there are only
> four ways a) to d) left.)
> > Why not using an FSF-approved, OSI-approved, and/or DFSG compatible
> > license instead? I'm sure that there is something available that fits
> > your taste. (You can e.g. license under "GPL 2 or later" and ask for a
> > special (non binding) courtesy to inform you of changes/patches.)
> The vim license is approved by the FSF:
> Most likely it will remain a free software license even after removal
> of above-mentioned clause, but certainly it is no longer GPL
> compatible.
> Otherwise, I agree that using one of the existing free software
> licenses would be much preferred. License proliferation is a real
> problem.
> Ulrich
> > [2]

Andrés Martinelli

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