On 11/07/2014 01:42 AM, Jauhien Piatlicki wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11/06/2014 02:43 PM, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> If you're going to go the toolkit route, you should be using a CP
>> solver, not a SAT solver. But even then you'd be better off making some
>> changes and not using plain old MAC, so you're back to writing the
>> algorithms yourself.
>> What you need is for someone who understands CP and SAT to write a
>> resolver using algorithms inspired by how CP and SAT solvers work, but
>> not just blindly copying them. Doing this well is at least a full year
>> Masters level project...
> Yeah, you are right.
> What I am interested in is an overview of what algorithm we are using
> now. Do we have any documentation about it? As I really would like to
> look at some concise document rather than sources.

If you install sys-apps/portage with USE=doc, it includes this
documentation which gives an overview of the portage's dependency
resolver algorithms:


> Also may be we need to discuss how can we improve it, as at the moment
> for me it seems one of the biggest problems with Gentoo. And afaik
> paludis does not solve it (or am I wrong?)

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