On 2014-11-21 10:31, hasufell wrote:
> Are you serious?

> Instead of creating random competing concepts in one repository we
> should rather enhance configuration options, so that the USER can choose
> what he likes instead of the developer.

> I think this is a very bad idea.

> If we all decide to drop the eclass, then fine. Until then, users don't
> have any convenient way to have games world-executable without
> overwriting the eclass (which I currently do myself).

Personally I've seen somewhat competing concepts evolve in the tree over
the past years, specifically python/ruby eclass (r)evolution springs to
mind. Stuff didn't immediately get deprecated in those cases but only
after a certain period of burn-in for the newer work. 

I guess this case is somewhat different in that the outcome is a bit
more visible to the average user and people want to remove the thing
entirely. If this is a step in that direction fine and maybe this will
help spur discussion to get that moving somewhere.


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