On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 11:59 AM, hasufell <hasuf...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Ben de Groot (yngwin):
>> yngwin      15/02/05 20:09:33
>>   Added:                stockfish-6.ebuild metadata.xml Manifest ChangeLog
>>   Log:
>>   Initial commit (bug #318337)
>> EAPI=5
>> inherit toolchain-funcs
> This breaks consistency. Now users cannot rely on games.eclass anymore.
> We should either abandon it completely or follow it consistently.

Per the Council decision, this is strictly up to the maintainer's discretion.

I'm all for a more sensible solution.  If you want to help form one I
suggest joining the games team.  As of the last call I don't believe
anybody stepped up to join it.

The fact that the current state is inconsistent has been pointed out
numerous times already, and was known by the Council at the time the
interim policy was decided on.  The only real virtue of the current
state is that it is less broken than the previous state.  It was our
hope that those interested in Gentoo games would step up and come up
with something better, rather than having the council micromanage the
games team.  If you are interested in games, then I suggest being a
part of this.  If you aren't interested in games, then I'm not sure
why we're having this conversation.


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