On Sat, 14 Feb 2015 21:49:56 +0200
Markos Chandras <hwoar...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> You don't have to participate to the discussions in the mailing lists
> :) You can just contribute code! Even a single patch a month or so is
> better than nothing

Forgive me for hijacking the thread, but, the “or so” in the above
isn’t all that flexible.

See section 3.k of

Being required to do something Gentoo-related at least every two months
in order to not be considered “inactive” pretty much eliminates any
incentive I had to try and become a developer presently. I could
certainly see myself picking up three or four packages that I
personally care about and maintaining them, but not actually needing to
commit anything for a couple of months simply because those packages
don’t release anything new very often. Then I’m declared inactive and
kicked out because I didn’t commit often enough, simply because I chose
to make a small contribution appropriate to my other workload, rather
than no contribution at all.

Perhaps that’s “your” (collective) intent—to avoid developers who do a
tiny bit of work here and there on a few packages, in favour of having
a much smaller number of developers who have to handle more
packages—which is fine, but it excludes people like me from
participating as full developers.
Christopher Head

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