On 22 February 2015 at 23:27, Guilherme Amadio <ama...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 03:43:33AM +0800, Ben de Groot wrote:
>> To anyone within Gentoo who is interested in fonts
>> I would like to announce a meeting to be held in #gentoo-meetings on
>> Freenode, on Friday February 27 at 06:00 UTC, unless another date
>> and/or time will be suggested by people who want to attend.
>> There hasn't been much activity in the fonts area of Gentoo, and our
>> lead seems to be MIA.
>> The main points on the agenda:
>> 1. Who wants to be member of the Fonts project, and help out?
>> 2. Members to elect a new lead. I'm nominating myself.
>> 3. Make a plan for dealing with open bugs
>> 4. Open floor
>  Yes, I would like to be part of the team. I was thinking about creating
>  a Typography project, but if there is already a Fonts project, it will
>  work just as well. I won't nominate myself as a lead, since I just
>  became a Gentoo dev, but I do want to help. I will show up to the
>  meeting.

Welcome to the team!


Ben | yngwin
Gentoo developer

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