Rich Freeman wrote:
> > Calling it "gentoo" makes sense
> The thing is, Gentoo is more than a bunch of ebuilds.

Sure, but the gentoo ebuild repo is just a bunch of ebuilds.

Gentoo as name can and should be used elsewhere too of course.

> Certainly they're a HUGE part of Gentoo, but they alone aren't Gentoo.

> In some sense you could have ebuilds/gentoo.git but then what happens
> when you clone ebuilds/gentoo.git, website/gentoo.git, and so on?

Keep them in different subdirectories, to reflect the central

> Namespaces are useful to prevent accidental collisions, and for
> organization, but without getting too crazy with the names I think it
> is best off when the final name stands on its own reasonably well.

Always optimize for the common case. What changes more often,
ebuilds/ or website/ ? That repo gets to use the pretty name,
the other repo gets an uglier one, maybe "website/website.git". :)


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