On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 1:19 AM, Eray Aslan <e...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> The correct solution is to stop forwarding spam and the easiest way is
> just stopping forwarding.  There are valid policy reasons for not going
> that route but continuing forwarding because it is too difficult to
> configure gmail is, well, not something I'd be comfortable with.  I do
> expect more from gentoo devs.

Configuring gmail to use POP isn't hard per-se, but it has a lot of limitations.

First, there is latency - they basically poll when they want to poll.
I find myself hitting refresh all the time as a result so that I don't
wait an hour to get my mail.

Another issue is that they won't use TLS/SSL unless they trust the
certificate, and there is no way to override this.  So, your options
are credentials possibly going out in plaintext, pay for a
certificate, or use a cert provider who won't revoke a certificate
even after pointing to private keys posted on github.  I suspect this
won't be a problem for retrieving mail from Gentoo, but it is one of
the reasons that I was desperately trying to forward mail to them.  In
the end I ended up switching to polling as a result of DKIM and
GMail's spam filters.

I find email an incredibly frustrating experience all-around.  It
works great as long as everybody doesn't use anybody for hosting who
isn't in the top-10 provider list, and doesn't use a mailing list.
Otherwise you get snared in the network of anti-spam tactics that only
spammers have the time to figure out how to avoid.


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