On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 14:36:12 -0400
Ian Stakenvicius <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 12/08/15 01:52 PM, Alexis Ballier wrote:
> > On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 13:39:21 -0400 Ian Stakenvicius
> > <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> >> 
> >> ...OR we could just adjust PMS to assume flag order determines 
> >> precedence and still not bother with a new operator:  For "^^ (
> >> a b c )" if a then b,c forced-off; elif b then c forced-off;
> >> elif !c then a forced-on; fi
> > 
> > that's another possible option indeed
> > 
> Is this something that we would need to change PMS for?  Syntax
> stays the same, just the way portage (in particular here) acts on it
> would be different...  For testing, is what I'm thinking, say tied
> to a "resolve-required-use" feature?
> If we don't -need- to change PMS we could just -do- this and see if
> it works.

we could since that's de facto equivalent to the +/- syntax; however, I
have serious doubts that the outcome will be what people who wrote the
REQUIRED_USE line intended

that'd be a very good proof of concept though

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