>>>>> On Sat, 15 Aug 2015, Paweł Hajdan, wrote:

> Nothing seems to prevent doing the mass conversion first,
> deprecating EAPI 4, and then having a second, slower pass to make
> sure the ebuilds are using EAPI 5 as they should be. One way might
> be to add a "TODO" comment during mass conversion, which then can be
> grepped for (and removed after manual review).

How about a line like "EAPI=4" which can be grepped for? :)
Seriously, what would be the benefit of a conversion if you need a
second pass to redo it properly?

Also there are still some 5000 ebuilds (14 %) with EAPIs 0, 1, 2, and
3 in the tree. IMHO it would be better to spend our effort in updating
those first.


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