
On 09/05/2015 11:23 PM, Daniel Campbell wrote:
> On 09/05/2015 01:04 PM, Matthew Thode wrote:

>> I think cargo should probably go in dev-util with other rust
>> libraries and programs going into dev-rust as needed, but that's
>> just me :D
> Agreed. dev-util until it grows in size (isn't the recommendation
> 5-10+ pkgs?), then dev-rust. Despite the package moves being somewhat
> cumbersome, it makes more sense to do it once it's clear Rust has an
> ecosystem going rather than catch stragglers in its infancy.

Ok, looks quite logical for me. So the next question. I remember portage
had some problems with moving packages. Would it work if I'll move
dev-rust/cargo to dev-util/cargo in our overlay now. And later when rust
infrastructure grows move it in the main tree back to dev-rust? Or will
it break something?


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