hasufell posted on Thu, 10 Sep 2015 10:47:26 +0200 as excerpted:

> On 09/10/2015 08:21 AM, Daniel Campbell wrote:
>> For me to not support gtk2 in the spacefm ebuild would be providing a
>> package inferior to upstream.
> That sounds like spacefm with gtk3 is lacking anything. It is not.
> Providing choice for the sake of choice is not always a good idea.

Nothing personal, but...

Seeing this coming from a gentoo dev, where user choice and control is 
viewed as a virtue, is a shame.  There's a reason gentoo has USE flags 
and doesn't default to binaries.

Particularly where upstream is deliberately providing the choice, 
specifically to allow the users that choice, having gentoo abort that 
choice seems to stand in the way of everything gentoo and Larry the cow 
is about.

(Tho I must say, it does sound like typical upstream gnome think.  
Restrict user choice, it's for their own good!  I've never understood how 
some gentooers could tolerate such an attitude and use gnome as a 
preference, as it really is antithetical to gentoo's whole stance on 
choice, but of course given that there are devs willing to make it 
available, removing gnome as a choice for those who wish to go that way 
would be antithetical to that ideal as well, so there you have it.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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