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Michał Górny schrieb:
> I don't know if you didn't read the proposal, or if you are unable to 
> understand it. You are seriously *offending* me and the few other 
> developers who are trying *really hard*.
> So let me make this clear: I am trying to make it possible for the 
> community to contribute in any way it finds *convenient* while not 
> forcing anyone to use any external (proprietary or non-proprietary) 
> platform.

TBH I don't see any reason to be offended here.
What Andrew is pointing out is that this path can be a slippery slope into
dependency on GitHub infrastructure.

>> It is a pain for me to see that several developers under disguise of 
>> "community" and "integration" are trying hard to make that happen, 
>> step by step.
> And it is a pain for us to read such unfounded accusations. This is 
> incorrect, and very offensive. If this is really your belief, please 
> keep it to yourself. By writing this you are only causing unnecessary 
> anger and frustration which are not helping anyone.

That remark may have been unwarranted. FWIW I don't agree with it.
But I don't think it lowers the anger-and-frustration standards of this
discussion following:
"Thank you for your insightful comment. That's very helpful. Really,
thank you a lot. Gentoo would be much worse without such helpful
comments. Why do we need community at all, when one developer with his
helpful comments can provide all there is ever needed by the distro."

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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