El lun, 14-09-2015 a las 00:19 +0300, Andrew Savchenko escribió:
> Yes, but as long as choice of core components and infrastructure is
> free one. Read Gentoo Social Contract:
> https://www.gentoo.org/get-started/philosophy/social-contract.html
> "However, Gentoo will never depend upon a piece of software or
> metadata unless it conforms to the GNU General Public License, the
> GNU Lesser General Public License, the Creative Commons -
> Attribution/Share Alike or some other license approved by the Open
> Source Initiative (OSI)."
> What actually happens now is that several individual are trying to
> undermine this concept and to tie Gentoo to the proprietary
> metadata. And some point this dependence will become irreversible.
> It is a pain for me to see that several developers under disguise of
> "community" and "integration" are trying hard to make that happen,
> step by step.
> Best regards,
> Andrew Savchenko

I completely disagree with you pointing to some concrete people and
accusing them about they trying to break the social contract. I see no
proof at all to support your accusation, and I think you should refrain
from doing that kind of accusations without any base. If you have any
kind of "proof" supporting that accusations, please explain them
briefly, otherwise this looks just like trolling to me :/

The only thing I see here is some people trying to mirror github and
bugzilla, and that will likely help a lot of people (like me) that
don't use github, letting people that need their features to work with
other people that don't need or don't want to use it. What is the
problem then? :| Why people tend to think that others have obscure
intentions or similar? Isn't much easier to think that all people here
are contributing for free for the sake of improving things? Why do we
need to be so rude when discussing things on mailing lists or IRC? I am
sure that if we could meet in the "real life", face to face, we would
see that there are no conspiracies and no obscure intentions and most
of the arguments come from misunderstandings, overreactions and similar

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