On 09/23/2015 04:40 AM, Todd Goodman wrote:
> We haven't had too many problems with it.  Most of our problems seem to
> be with people having issues with git itself (it was new to almost
> everyone on the team) and not embracing a good workflow with it (or
> trying to only use git via Eclipse.)
> We have 80 or so Android repos and a much smaller handful of proprietary
> repos in use.

Sorry to harp on this, but does your single gerrit user have write
access to all 80 of your repos? Yours is internal so the risk is
limited, but naturally, if we set one up, it would have to be public.

If there's a bug in the web UI somewhere and someone figures out how to
make it run code, that would put all of our repos at risk. Even without
being able to run code, a bug might allow privilege escalation: someone
outside the e.g. portage project might figure out how to push to that
repo because all of the logic is in Java and not the filesystem.

The way we have it now, push access is granted through SSH and is
therefore tied to your user. Implementing users/groups/permissions in
code would really be a step backwards; this isn't a theoretical argument.

These issues can totally be fixed -- I'm not saying they're endemic to
web-based git hosting. But to move access control down to the filesystem
deviates from how everyone else does things. So first you need to spend
time getting familiar with the project, then you have to overhaul the
way it works, and finally you have to get upstream to acknowledge that
you aren't crazy and accept your docs/patches. That's a lot more work
than just setting it up.

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