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On 09/23/2015 05:30 AM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On 09/23/2015 04:40 AM, Todd Goodman wrote:
>> We haven't had too many problems with it.  Most of our problems
>> seem to be with people having issues with git itself (it was new
>> to almost everyone on the team) and not embracing a good workflow
>> with it (or trying to only use git via Eclipse.)
>> We have 80 or so Android repos and a much smaller handful of
>> proprietary repos in use.
> Sorry to harp on this, but does your single gerrit user have write 
> access to all 80 of your repos? Yours is internal so the risk is 
> limited, but naturally, if we set one up, it would have to be
> public.
> If there's a bug in the web UI somewhere and someone figures out
> how to make it run code, that would put all of our repos at risk.
> Even without being able to run code, a bug might allow privilege
> escalation: someone outside the e.g. portage project might figure
> out how to push to that repo because all of the logic is in Java
> and not the filesystem.
> The way we have it now, push access is granted through SSH and is 
> therefore tied to your user. Implementing users/groups/permissions
> in code would really be a step backwards; this isn't a theoretical
> argument.
> These issues can totally be fixed -- I'm not saying they're endemic
> to web-based git hosting. But to move access control down to the
> filesystem deviates from how everyone else does things. So first
> you need to spend time getting familiar with the project, then you
> have to overhaul the way it works, and finally you have to get
> upstream to acknowledge that you aren't crazy and accept your
> docs/patches. That's a lot more work than just setting it up.
I hadn't thought about that angle. If our access backbone is via SSH
(and thus the filesystem/machine users) then I'm really not sure how
to implement a GitLab or Gerrit instance while hooking into the
filesystem. Allowing users to open accounts in order to post bugs, etc
just isn't a great idea, imo, and duplicates the effort that already
exists in Bugzilla. Maybe it'd be smarter to find a way to `git-am`
patches from Bugzilla.

- -- 
Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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