On 10/15/15 4:14 PM, Zac Medico wrote:
On 10/15/2015 01:06 PM, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
On 10/15/15 3:15 PM, Zac Medico wrote:
In portage, @world = @profile + @selected + @system, which means that
@profile is protected from depclean since it's a part of @world.
[1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=532224
I thought so but wasn't sure and was about to test. Both @system and
@profile are controlled via the packages file in portage and stack.
Packages in @system lead with an * while @profile don't. @system
packages have incomplete dependency specifications while @profile have
This affects more than just emerge's ability to parallelize, no?
Having complete dependency specifications could be useful for some other
things, but allowing for more aggressive parallelization is one of the
most obvious advantage.
Okay, good because that fits my understanding of how we'd be dividing
@system from @profile.
@system = the bare set that we need in an stage3 in order to build
another stage3 via the catalyst process. so the way this works is that
you unpack a stage3, chroot into it, and then do a `ROOT=/some/new/root
emerge @system` to prepare a pristine new root. that root then seeds
your stage2 at which point your rebuild your toolchain. then that seeds
your new stage3 in which you rebuild @system.
So that defines @system from the point of view of using a current stage3
to give birth to a next generation stage3. But that may not be what you
want to release, eg. do you need any networking stuff in there? This
gave birth to the idea of a stage4 which would have the added goodies
needed for an end user to grow a system from our release tarball.
vapier is suggesting using @profile for the extra needed beyond @system
for the release. So at all points except the very end, you just use
@system for building because that's all you need, and then finally you
produce an @system+@profile for release.
Anthony G. Basile, Ph.D.
Gentoo Linux Developer [Hardened]
E-Mail : bluen...@gentoo.org
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