On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:45 AM, Alexis Ballier <aball...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> if it's just used by catalyst to pre-seed world then indeed pms
> doesn't have anything to do with it, but if it's meant to be some set
> that profiles add to 'world' set dynamically, then interoperability is
> probably desired

I'd suggest that we probably don't want anything dynamic here.

I think most of our users would appreciate a friendly "here, I went
ahead and pre-loaded screen for you but feel free to drop it" on the
first install.  They could review that world file and see what
is/isn't pre-loaded and just delete the whole file if they want a
blank slate.

On the other hand, three years into using their system they probably
wouldn't appreciate if portage just went and installed screen for
them, because it was trying to be helpful and we decided that new
installs should now include screen.


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