x11 team plans to change the default VIDEO_CARDS on amd64/x86 per bug #561850. Due to the USE dependencies of Display-If-Installed, this item will only be displayed on amd64 and x86 systems that have not overridden VIDEO_CARDS in make.conf. Other architectures will retain their VIDEO_CARDS and we will leave it to the respective arch teams to adjust this as desired.

The previous time I wanted to post a news item with USE dependencies, this was not possible because the Display-If-Installed dependency atom had to conform to EAPI 0. But now that all profiles are EAPI 5 this is ok I hope.

Title: Changes in default VIDEO_CARDS
Author: Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chith...@gentoo.org>
Content-Type: text/plain
Posted: 2015-10-30
Revision: 1
News-Item-Format: 1.0
Display-If-Installed: x11-base/xorg-drivers[video_cards_dummy,video_cards_fbdev,video_cards_glint,video_cards_intel,video_cards_mach64,video_cards_mga,video_cards_nouveau,video_cards_nv,video_cards_r128,video_cards_radeon,video_cards_savage,video_cards_tdfx,video_cards_trident,video_cards_v4l,video_cards_vesa,video_cards_via,video_cards_vmware]

In order to better reflect the graphics chipsets present on modern
systems, the default VIDEO_CARDS setting has been changed to
"amdgpu fbdev intel nouveau radeon radeonsi vesa"

If your graphics chipset requires a different driver, and you have not set
VIDEO_CARDS in make.conf, it is advisable to do that now.

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