El vie, 11-12-2015 a las 23:13 +0100, Michał Górny escribió:
> Hi, everyone.
> I'd like to make a short announcement that in the last few days I've
> been using my little free time to hack on my CI scripts, and they had
> a few major improvements. Most notably:
> 1. pkgcheck now checks for outdated Manifests. In other words,
> gentoo-ci will most likely complain about missing or extraneous
> Manifest entries before Infra does, and pull request checks should
> complain loudly about them before the PRs are merged.
> 2. The scripts use XML output of pkgcheck and group issues by
> packages,
> rather than grepping text output for failure indications
> and considering successive lines a single failure. Which means better
> output, better permalinks, better navigation and a completely new
> ugly
> UI.
> 3. Most of the persisting issues (like deprecations) are skipped now,
> and all the output fits on one page. And that page is usually easier
> on
> the browser than each of the splits were.
> 4. gentoo-ci compares previous check results correctly, and splits
> the output into three groups: new issues, previous issues and fixes
> issues.
> 5. gentoo-ci bisects on new issues, pinpoints the exact commit
> introducing the failure and CCs both the author and the committer.
> In other words, does the hard work for me and does it more
> efficiently.
> It also has nice bisect caching support which makes bisecting a
> number
> of issues caused by the same commit very fast.
> 6. pull-request checks now distinguish between issues introduced by
> PR
> and carried over from ::gentoo. Not that you should ignore the latter
> entirely since they may hide additional issues from PR.
> Most of this fun stuff came from a simple obvious thing that only
> recently occurred to me: I don't have to run a full pkgcheck for
> bisecting! I just need to check the packages that are failing
> in the most recent commit!
> Of course, the whole thing is open source:
> 1. https://bitbucket.org/mgorny/repo-mirror-ci
> 2. https://bitbucket.org/mgorny/pkgcheck-result-parser
> Enjoy!

Thanks a lot!

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