There are several ebuilds that repeat the same checks and need to
perform the same duties when it comes to working with PostgreSQL. For
example, making sure the users' currently slot is compatible with the
ebuild requirements. postgres.eclass addresses this and has
additional conveniences to build a dependency string and add a new user
into the postgres system group.

Additionally, as most of you are aware, we have a slot capable
dev-db/postgresql. There is some difficulty that needed to be resolved
so that extensions could also be installed into multiple slots, which is
addressed by postgres-multi.eclass.

I've an overlay at:

With the pgsql-eclass branch containing the eclass and a postgres-multi
enabled PostGIS.

Naturally, the eclasses work for me, so far.

For your convenience, I've also attached the eclasses.
# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$

inherit multibuild postgres
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_prepare src_compile src_install src_test

# @ECLASS: postgres-multi
# PostgreSQL <>
# @AUTHOR: Aaron W. Swenson <>
# @BLURB: An eclass for PostgreSQL-related packages with default functions
# postgres-multi enables ebuilds, particularly PostgreSQL extensions, to
# build against any and all compatible, installed PostgreSQL
# slots. Additionally exports default functions.

case ${EAPI:-0} in
  0|1|2|3|4) die "postgres-multi.eclass requires EAPI 5 or higher" ;;
  *) ;;

# A Bash array containing a list of compatible PostgreSQL slots as
# defined by the developer.
if ! declare -p POSTGRES_COMPAT &>/dev/null; then
        die 'Required variable POSTGRES_COMPAT not declared.'

# A Bash array containing the union set of available slots installed on the
# system that are also in POSTGRES_COMPAT.

# @FUNCTION _postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper
# @USAGE: _postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper <command> [<arg> ...]
# For the given variant, set the values of the PG_SLOT and PG_CONFIG
# environment variables accordingly and replace any appearance of
# @PG_SLOT@ in the command and arguments with value of ${PG_SLOT}.
_postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
        export PG_CONFIG=$(which pg_config${MULTIBUILD_VARIANT//./})
        $(echo "${@}" | sed "s/@PG_SLOT@/${PG_SLOT}/g")

# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_foreach
# @USAGE: postgres-multi_foreach <command> <arg> [<arg> ...]
# Run the given command in the package's source directory for each
# installed PostgreSQL slot. Any appearance of @PG_SLOT@ in the command
# or arguments will be substituted with the slot of the current
# iteration.
postgres-multi_foreach() {

        multibuild_foreach_variant \
                _postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper run_in_build_dir ${@}

# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_forbest
# @USAGE: postgres-multi_forbest <command> <arg> [<arg> ...]
# Run the given command in the package's source directory for the best
# installed, compatible PostgreSQL slot. Any appearance of @PG_SLOT@ in
# the command or arguments will be substituted with the matching slot.
postgres-multi_forbest() {
        # POSTGRES_COMPAT is reverse sorted once in postgres.eclass so
        # element 0 has the highest slot version.

        multibuild_foreach_variant \
                _postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper run_in_build_dir ${@}

# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_pkg_setup
# @USAGE: postgres-multi_pkg_setup
# Initialize internal environment variable(s).
postgres-multi_pkg_setup() {
        local all_slots=$(eselect --brief postgresql list)
        local user_slot

        for user_slot in "${POSTGRES_COMPAT[@]}"; do
                has "${user_slot}" ${all_slots} && \
                        _POSTGRES_UNION_SLOTS+=( "${user_slot}" )

        elog "Multibuild variants: ${_POSTGRES_UNION_SLOTS[@]}"

postgres-multi_src_prepare() {

postgres-multi_src_compile() {
        postgres-multi_foreach emake

postgres-multi_src_install() {
        postgres-multi_foreach emake install DESTDIR="${D}"

postgres-multi_src_test() {
        postgres-multi_foreach emake installcheck
# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$

inherit user

# @ECLASS: postgres
# PostgreSQL <>
# @AUTHOR: Aaron W. Swenson <>
# @BLURB: An eclass for PostgreSQL-related packages
# This eclass provides common utility functions that many
# PostgreSQL-related packages perform, such as checking that the
# currently selected PostgreSQL slot is within a range, adding a system
# user to the postgres system group, and generating dependencies.

case ${EAPI:-0} in
  0|1|2|3|4) die "postgres.eclass requires EAPI 5 or higher" ;;
  *) ;;

# A Bash array containing a list of compatible PostgreSQL slots as
# defined by the developer.

# An automatically generated dependency string suitable for use in
# DEPEND and RDEPEND declarations.

# Add the given, without brackets, 2-Style and/or 4-Style use
# dependencies to POSTGRES_DEP

if declare -p POSTGRES_COMPAT &> /dev/null ; then
        # Reverse sort the given POSTGRES_COMPAT so that the most recent
        # slot is preferred over an older slot.
        readarray -t POSTGRES_COMPAT < <(printf '%s\n' "${POSTGRES_COMPAT[@]}" 
| sort -nr)

        POSTGRES_DEP="|| ("
        for slot in "${POSTGRES_COMPAT[@]}" ; do
                POSTGRES_DEP+=" dev-db/postgresql:${slot}="
                declare -p POSTGRES_USEDEP &>/dev/null && \
        POSTGRES_DEP+=" )"
        declare -p POSTGRES_USEDEP &>/dev/null && \

# @FUNCTION: postgres_check_slot
# Verify that the currently selected PostgreSQL slot is set to one of
# the slots defined in POSTGRES_COMPAT. Automatically dies unless a
# POSTGRES_COMPAT slot is selected. Should be called in pkg_pretend().
postgres_check_slot() {
        if ! declare -p POSTGRES_COMPAT &>/dev/null; then
                die 'POSTGRES_COMPAT not declared.'

        # Don't die because we can't run postgresql-config during pretend.
        [[ "$EBUILD_PHASE" = "pretend" && -z "$(which postgresql-config 2> 
/dev/null)" ]] \
                && return 0

        if has $(postgresql-config show 2> /dev/null) "${POSTGRES_COMPAT[@]}"; 
                return 0
                eerror "PostgreSQL slot must be set to one of: "
                eerror "    ${POSTGRES_COMPAT[@]}"
                die "Incompatible PostgreSQL slot eselected"

# @FUNCTION: postgres_new_user
# Creates the "postgres" system group and user -- which is separate from
# the database user -- in addition to the developer defined user. Takes
# the same arguments as "enewuser".
postgres_new_user() {
        enewgroup postgres 70
        enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib/postgresql postgres

        if [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; then
                if [[ "$1" = "postgres" ]] ; then
                        ewarn "Username 'postgres' implied, skipping"
                        local groups=$5
                        [[ -n "${groups}" ]] && groups+=",postgres" || 
                        enewuser $1 $2 $3 $4 ${groups}

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