Rich Freeman posted on Thu, 11 Feb 2016 07:55:52 -0500 as excerpted:

> Now, auto-unmask could still propose sticking USE=+foo in your
> package.use if you have USE=-foo in your make.conf, which is already the
> behavior today.  If you've made any explicit USE setting in your
> configuration, portage would never ignore it, but only suggest that you
> change it.

So my USE="-* ..." (without letting portage do autounmasking) would 
continue to work just like it does now, correct?

Because I allow neither profile USE flags nor profile @system packages  
(all such profile entries and package-based default-use are negated), 
here, and my package.use files contain only specific exceptions to my 
global USE policy settings, together with (generally date-stamped) 
comments justifying exactly why that exception is there.

By definition, then, If I haven't specifically set USE=flag, my system 
policy is USE=-flag, and I want to know about and specifically setup any 
exceptions (or if justified change my system policy), so I can set the 
justification notes at the same time.

Because I'd be rather put out at anyone suggesting that I have to 
specifically -flag each individual flag I want to be hard off, not 
squishy off, as that's all the flags I've not specifically set hard on.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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