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On 04/08/2016 04:31 AM, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
> On 4/8/16 6:14 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 9:42 PM, William Hubbs
>> <willi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> There was a bypo here. "the ebuild" should be upstream. The
>>> default installation location of all coreutils binaries is
>>> /usr/bin, then we move everything around in the ebuild. We are
>>> deviating from upstream in this example.
>> Keep in mind that following upstream and the /usr merge are
>> somewhat orthogonal.  You can just install those binaries in /usr
>> without merging everything over.
>> The only issue is that without the merge anybody embedding a path
>> to these binaries would have to fix their packages.  Presumably
>> to aid the transition a symlink (at the file level) would be
>> needed for some period of time.
> @anyone, can you list the reasons we're doing this (I'm sure
> there's more than one).  If systemd if one of them, then I'm
> confused because debian has switched to systemd and yet has not
> merged usr.

Based on what I've read here in the thread, merging /bin and /sbin
into /usr/{sbin,bin} is a matter of convenience by putting most of the
static parts of a running system into a single path. As mentioned by
some people, however, that's not enough to make deployment across
multiple machines super simple. The distros that focus on that aren't
rolling release like we are, and thus don't face the same difficulties
that we do. In addition, Gentoo supports a broad number of choices for
users and some are advocating for an option.

At a higher level, I'm not really sure why we're discussing it.
Perhaps I missed it, but I didn't see an actual problem that someone
was having mentioned anywhere. The /usr merge seems to me as a partial
"solution" for a different type of environment; one that, arguably, is
better suited for a distro that's designed for such deployments.

I personally think sharing /usr over a network and deploying it to
multiple machines could be a recipe for disaster. It seems like a
business case scenario that would involve multiple other system
changes. It sounds like a great case for adding another profile or
something rather than changing things tree-wide. Maybe it's a case for
making profiles more powerful and flexible. Regardless, I'd hate to
see choice diminished here for the sake of a single set of rather
narrow use-cases.

Just my 2ยข.

- -- 
Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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