>>>>> On Mon, 18 Jul 2016, Rafael Goncalves Martins wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Andrew Savchenko <birc...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Why such tight requirement? Why not a minute, which will not hurt
>> git, but will help with system _temporarily_ out-of-sync.
>> Some hardware clocks are real mess and can drift more that for 5
>> seconds in a few days (e.g. when system was shut down). And for NTP
>> it will take time to correct system clock _properly_. While stuff
>> like running ntpdate before ntp server if system is out of sync is
>> possible, but it is not recommended nor possible on some workloads.
>> So IRL NTP may take several hours to sync system properly.
>> Set it for a minute or two. This will protect from commits from
>> really out-of-sync systems (like 14 days mentioned above) and will
>> keep usablity hight for others.

> I second this "request" :)

>     remote: Your system clock is off by 6 seconds (limit 5)


Same here, push was rejected because of 8 seconds clock offset.
This happened shortly after resuming from suspend, so apparently ntpd
had not caught up yet.


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