See <> for context.

chromium-54 is currently hard masked; it'd soon enter ~arch, and then
stable in ~6 weeks. ffmpeg-3.0.1 is currently hard masked.

These are the options I see for how to proceed. Feel free to share
further alternatives.

A. Prepare to unmask and eventually stabilize ffmpeg-3.0.1

B. Backport just the changes needed for chromium to older ffmpeg

C. Mask chromium's system-ffmpeg flag when the dependency on
ffmpeg-3.0.1 can't be satisfied

D. Patch chromium not to require newer ffmpeg

Please share your thoughts about pros, cons, and viability of each option.

I'd certainly be willing to help with testing and making progress on
these, and I could possibly use a fast machine as a tinderbox for this.

That also means help is welcome.


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