On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 11:15:40PM -0400, Mike Gilbert wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Kristian Fiskerstrand <k...@gentoo.org> 
> wrote:
> > On 08/28/2016 07:28 PM, Paweł Hajdan, Jr. wrote:
> >> B. Backport just the changes needed for chromium to older ffmpeg
> >
> > Any chance of it being included upstream or would it be a downstream
> > carry for a long time?
> I haven't looked at any code, but given that it's a major version bump
> of a library, the changes probably involve API-breaks. Backporting
> them upstream or downstream is probably not a simple matter, and
> probably a bad idea.

Please don't backport or patch. That sounds like a potential disaster
waiting to happen. The tracker bug for ffmpeg 3.0 has been open for
quite a while and is taking time. Backporting just parts of it has the
potential to break both stable and unstable and the time would be better
used working on stabilizing 3.0.

> >> C. Mask chromium's system-ffmpeg flag when the dependency on
> >> ffmpeg-3.0.1 can't be satisfied
> >
> > Would this result in using bundled libraries instead?
> Yes, masking the system-ffmpeg USE flag would cause the bundled ffmpeg
> code to be used.
> The Chromium project applies security fixes quite regularly, so don't
> get too worried over it.

Masking it is fine. Its suboptimal but it has much less breakage-
potential. If 3.0 is not stable in time then just mask it.

Also, is this ffmpeg or libav? or are they the same for 3.x?

-- Jason

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