On 10/27/2016 06:13 AM, Michał Górny wrote:
> [snip]
> To be honest, after writing it all down, I started to get the feeling
> it isn't necessary after all. The initial idea (and what motivation was
> supposed to mean) was that all previous attempts failed because they
> either tried to be too specific, force too many style rules or just
> never got necessary 'global' to reach all affected parties.
> I'd dare say this GLEP ended up confirming 'third party contributions'
> are not that special, we don't need special teams to handle them or
> special rules to cover them.
> So yes, it would probably be enough to put such a simple statement
> somewhere. The problem is: where? ;-) GLEP seemed like a
> straightforward solution to make it global.

Could it be relevant on the git workflow page? I consult that on a
regular basis (it's even in my watch list), and accepting/pushing
contributions seems like it's right in line with our expected git workflow.

Just a thought. I like where you're going with the idea.
Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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