On Wed, 7 Dec 2016 12:15:06 -0500
james <gar...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Being able to use stage-4 or stage-5 (G. forums) installs to rapidly 
> provision a collection of bare-metal systems [BGO-593218] into a wide 
> variety of hardened clusters is my passion. Unikernels as stage 4 
> packages can then very easily be targeted for very specific needs: VM
> or container or bare-metal.  Gentoo-proper is has too much political 
> baggage to encourage folks to innovate, imho. So, I really hope the 
> gentoo dev community gets behind the Anna Wilcox idea of streamlining 
> Gentoo into the most fork-able distro on the planet. WE could all be
> one happy family and yet be very competitive with our ideas, trials
> and published results?  Surely a few eggheads (academcis/pedantics)
> see the wisdom of competing micro_distros? Not unlike competing
> micro_breweries, it make the entire craft much stronger and better
> for all.
> Then there can be peace and harmony as everybody can do exactly as
> they please with their little cluster of gentoo and their very own 
> portage-tree. And then folks running gentoo-proper now can pick and 
> choose which innovations they want to include in the master tree.
> Isn't that pretty much what Google and CoreOS do now, as well as the
> gentoo derivative OS? Why not accelerate what has worked, for the
> few, to emancipate those of us still chained into user-land servitude.

As an ordinary user, this sounds pretty bad. Forking is great for
developers, but bad for users. I don’t *want* 27 different
Gentoo-derived fork distributions, each of which is great at one thing.
I don’t want to have to reinstall a different OS just because I switch
from writing embedded code to running Octave. Honestly, I don’t even
want to go out and find other OS’s repos, add them as overlays, and
hope the inter-OS dependencies work.

As an ordinary user, what I *want*, is to install one OS and not think
about it again. Ideally, Gentoo. When I want to do embedded
development, I just emerge dev-embedded/thingy. When I want to do some
math, I just emerge sci-mathematics/octave. Most things that most
people care about in the main tree. Breaking things up into overlays or
different OSs or whatever just means adding more hoops that I have to
jump through before I can start working on a new topic.
Christopher Head

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