On 03/01/17 11:05, Michał Górny wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Jan 2017 16:00:52 +0700 (+07)
> gro...@gentoo.org wrote:
>> On Mon, 2 Jan 2017, Brian Evans wrote:
>>> IMO, this one should be given last-rites as upstream is dead and it
>>> heavily depends on wireless-tools and WEXT.  
>> I use it on 2 notebooks. It works fine, and is (from my point of view) the 
>> most convenient tool to control ethernet and wifi connections on a 
>> notebook. Why lastrite it when it works?
> This is the Gentoo Way™. Having a working software is not a goal.
> Gentoo focuses on the best bleeding edge experience and therefore
> highly relies on software packages that are under active development
> and require active maintenance. The packages in early stages of
> development are especially interesting since they can supply users
> and developers with variety of interesting bugs and unpredictable
> issues.
From your response I infer the following, please discuss:
1) "working software is not a goal" .. so we can have a tree full of
broken and/or unstable packages. What is the point of any QA/CI system
if this is applicable?
2) "require active maintainance" .. by whom exactly? Where are the flood
of keen developers bringing their bleeding edge code (with their
ludicrous packaging requirements and language demands) to Gentoo?
3) "interesting bugs and unpredictable isssue" .. WTF?

Michal .. are you (once again...) High .. or is your email (once again)
so soaked in sarcasm we can't tell any useful content from the complete
drivel ...

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