Oh, I missed some things. First off, a general timeline of rsync-gen events (all times occur every hour at roughly specified minute after the hour):
:00 / :30 - current state of git tree is checked out on git server and then rsynced to private master rsync server - this is your cutoff time for getting changes into the rsync-gen run :06 / :36 - rsync-gen script starts :09 / :39 (ish) - md5-cache generation and manifest thickening have usually completed by this time; rsync-gen runs repoman manifest-check across the whole tree at this time :15 / :45 (ish) - By this time any failure in the repoman manifest-check has surfaced, and if so, I (as well as others, mostly infra) have been emailed about it :20 / :50 (ish) - The final transfer from the staging directory to the final directory has usually finished by this time, though that depends heavily on how many changes were made since the last transfer (if you break things and don't fix them for a while, this can be a lot) At some point, the repoman manifest-check, or some variation of it, will probably get added to a post-receive hook, which will then abort your push if you try to push something that would break the conversion process. That said, you should still be doing your due diligence to ensure that eventual hook doesn't yell at you. And in case you're wondering why I get emailed about these failures, I wrote the script that thickens Manifests, which does the entire tree as parallel as possible in under a minute. In addition, I improved sizable portions of the rsync-gen script itself. The code isn't absolutely perfect (no code is), so I get emails about any failures so I can see if it's something I need to fix with my code. But it's been a while since that's been the case, so all the failures these days are primarily for the previously mentioned issues. -Doug