>>> Anecdotal evidence against, currently gnupg 2.1.21 scdaemon bug will
>>> happily sign a third party public keyblock's UID using signature subkey
>>> on smartcard, which results in useless signature that doesn't have any
>>> effect, but the application builds fine.
>>> This means gnupg 2.1.21 is not a candidate for stabilization, but it
>>> certainly builds fine.
>> Stop trolling - you know perfectly well that this sort of issue would
>> never ever be caught during arch testing. Nor should it be - it's called
>> *arch* testing for a reason.

Question is what's more a problem: Having an outdated stable package
because nobody cared about stabilizing a new version (in most cases this
will end with a rushed stabilization once a security bug was fixed in
the package) or move a package in time from ~ARCH to ARCH and deal with
the fallout sometimes.

Having a real AT doing real arch testing work would be ideal. But face
it: We don't have the required man power. Let's try Debian's testing
approach and move packages to ARCH in time and don't wait for some
magical appearing bug reports because someone really tested a package in
~ARCH. Severe problems will be reported anyways...


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