On 12/07/17 04:22, Walter Dnes wrote:
>   Step back for a minute, and relax.  There is a reason you're getting
> blowback.  You're asking for changes that would affect everybody else.
> This is similar in principle to what Lennart Poettering did, and you're
> getting the same reaction he got.  I understand that *YOU* want changes
> to how Portage works on *YOUR* machine.  No problem.  Set
> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS in make.conf.  If you want excruciating detail on
> --depclean then check the small script I posted elsewhere in this
> thread.  Portage has many customization options; use them.
>   If you can't be bothered to use available customization options to set
> up your machine to your liking, but ask for a change of defaults that
> also affects everybody else, don't be surprised at the negative reaction.
> You would've gotten a much better reception, if you had gone to the
> gentoo-user list and asked "How do I tweak Portage to do this, that, and
> the other".

Of course, you can do what Poettering did, and write your own solution
.. or fork portage to do things the way -you- want .. but don't reinvent
the wheel for the rest of us .. that's what Choice and Gentoo is all
about ...

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