On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 9:11 PM, R0b0t1 <r03...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sadly interest in the patches seems to have waned. The functionality
> is not exactly duplicated in containers, but they do make it easier to
> find changes.

Well, the idea with containers wouldn't be to monitor anything, but
instead to ensure that there is nothing in the container the ebuild
shouldn't need.  If the package declares 3 build-time dependencies
then the container would contain @system plus those three
dependencies.  If the build system chokes then it will choke for
everybody (eg for the maintainer testing the package), and not
randomly when some user doesn't have some package installed that
wasn't declared.

Now, a container wouldn't help with figuring out what the dependencies
actually are.  Besides inspection/etc a quick solution there is to
just do a build without a container and check the linking, then go
back and fix the deps, and then rebuild to verify that nothing else
was needed.


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