2018-03-09 1:46 UTC+01:00, Benda Xu <hero...@gentoo.org>:
> Just a side node, this seems to be the ultimate sandbox we (Gentoo and
> portage) are after.  With this, we might even be able to have portage
> full functional: a build is completely determined and only determined by
> the dependencies and USE flags.

If you want to have reproducible binaries, you may also want to alter the clock
of the sandbox system.


At start, set the date as EPOCH (i.e., in 1970).

Each time a file date seems to be set in the future (by tar, ...), set the date
of the sandbox system to that date plus a milisecond.

Each time a file is created or touched, advance the date of the sandbox system
by one milisecond.


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