On Wed, 08 May 2019 11:41:41 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> > There's multilib that adds a lot of flags with a single eclass
> > change, but I'd guess the number of packages and flags is
> > constantly growing, so sooner or later you'll be hit by this again
> > and no multilib killing will help you then.
> > 
> > I think it is more future proof to use the addition of multilib
> > flags to fix pkgcheck rather than actively reducing the number of
> > multilib flags to cope with its limitations.
> Then please do it, by all means.  The reality is simple.  If the tool
> is broken, you either fix it or stop doing what you know that breaks
> it. Being unable to do the former, and having no good replacement,
> I'd go for the latter.

Well, why is it slow ? IO ? CPU ? Did you collect profiling data ?
Where are the scripts to repro the issue ?

> > Also, remember that multilib is not entirely about skype or slack,
> > this was made with multibin in mind too: for example an ABI may
> > perform better than another one on specific workflows (x32) and it
> > may make sense to use this abi for a specific binary (which would
> > be manually built for now).
> No, it weren't.  Just because someone found it convenient to use the
> design beyond its original purpose doesn't mean it had a different
> purpose.  Besides, how many 'multibin' packages do we have right now?

It was, because portage multilib was doing this and claimed to have a
use for this. Its original purpose was generic enough to allow multibin
to be added easily. The number of multibin packages is only
relevant to show that this is not important enough for someone
to step up and do it: Everybody can easily build anything themselves
with the current implementation.

> That said, yes, I am also concerned about people proactively adding
> multilib to all random libraries which probably will never have any
> real multilib use case and only waste time of people who have
> abi_x86_32 enabled globally.

That last part is easily fixable: Have a useflag config option that
says "default off unless some package wants it on". This can be either
in the ebuild themselves (alike +/- iuse defaults) or, more simply, in
the package manager. None ever saw the light.

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