Kent Fredric wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 20:25:20 +0200
> Michał Górny <> wrote:
>> The general purpose of codec project [2] is to maintain core libraries
>> for various multimedia format encoder/decoder libraries.  It's like
>> gfx+sound+video except only for core packages and not every possible
>> single viewer, player, editor, frontend...  I believe that this specific
>> focus make more sense than the wider projects, i.e. it is more likely
>> than N people will actually co-maintain libraries used by many tools vs
>> N people co-maintain 20 alternative sound players (when they are
>> unlikely to use more than one at a time).
> Somehow I get the impression that "codec" as a scope is still too general.
> For instance, people well acquainted with audio codecs aren't
> necessarily well acquainted with video codecs, or image codecs.
> A package that only does audio-playback for instance, won't be of
> interest to somebody who predominantly cares about video playback.
> I'm not entirely against it as a concept as-is, I just suspect it will
> reiterate the previous problem.

As a user, how about media?  Multimedia?  Or would those interfere with
other packages?

I might add, regardless of name, will it be active enough to keep it
alive or will it go the same as the last? 


:-)  :-) 

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