On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 08:25:20PM +0200, Michał Górny wrote:
> Hi,
> Let's split this from [1] as I suppose having it in middle of high-noise 
> 'up for grabs' might prevent some interested people from seeing it.
> The general purpose of codec project [2] is to maintain core libraries
> for various multimedia format encoder/decoder libraries.  It's like
> gfx+sound+video except only for core packages and not every possible
> single viewer, player, editor, frontend...  I believe that this specific
> focus make more sense than the wider projects, i.e. it is more likely
> than N people will actually co-maintain libraries used by many tools vs
> N people co-maintain 20 alternative sound players (when they are
> unlikely to use more than one at a time).
> The main questions are:
> 1. Should the project be focused on reference/most common
> implementations, or maybe more of them?  Say, giflib vs libnsgif.
> I think the latter library is specific to a few programs right now but
> if it gets more popular, it would fit.

I am not really sure that we *need* a project. I have seen many devs
takeover several packages... of those individuals, they are active and I
don't believe they would complain if others touched former @graphics

> 3. What about libraries implementing media-specific streaming protocols?

As stated above, I am not sure we need a project to maintain these. Of
course, it *would* be nice. Attempting to define something out of such
disparity seems frivolous, but I understand the intention.

Additionally, I am not advocating for the disbandment of all projects,
but simply those that lack impact. It was more an effort to show that
*most* individuals in said project were slacking, but would complain
when others attempted to assist.


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