On Wed, 2021-06-23 at 00:19 +0200, Thomas Deutschmann wrote:
> The PaX community in Gentoo is still big and active.

Do you have any evidence to prove that?  The activity on PaX-related
bugs seems to disagree with you.  A 'big and active' community should
probably result in many patches and fixed bugs, shouldn't it?

> Many Gentoo users received free access to upstream sources or became 
> paying customers.

How many?  Is it actually such a large number to claim that
the community is 'big'?  I suppose that in the past PaX users might have
been a significant subset of Gentoo users but not today.

> It's just not available for everyone for free/without registration 
> anymore. But it is still a thing in Gentoo.

Your comment makes it sounds like 'just registering' is an option.
The website seems to disagree with that, pretty clearly saying it's
a yearly subscription.  How much?  They don't say but it's reasonable to
assume it's a steep price.  Wouldn't be surprised if people are
forbidden from saying.

But even if they offered me a free copy I wouldn't take it.  They have
violated the principles of GPL and harmed the FLOSS world.  If you care
about open source, you wouldn't pay them a broken penny.  If you do, you
just support their actions and soon enough more GPL projects will figure
out that they can steal all their contributions and declare themselves
'keep paying and do not share the code as GPL permits you to'.

Let's not forget that their patches are generally 'pure garbage' sold as
'extra secure' [1].

Now, how is all of that even relevant to the topic at hand?  Are you
saying that because you have a grsec subscription, you're actually going
to help out with something?  Or just complain when things get in the way
of people who don't have one and who don't care the slightest bit?

[1] https://www.spinics.net/lists/kernel/msg2540934.html

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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