Ühel kenal päeval, N, 10.03.2022 kell 18:18, kirjutas Joshua Kinard: > I stick to the officially-published method of checking and committing > changes: > https://devmanual.gentoo.org/ebuild-maintenance/git/index.html > > The two tools highlighted there for the bulk of the work is repoman > and pkgdev. repoman is cited twelve times, pkgdev is cited six > times. pkgcheck is mentioned once. pkgcommit has no mentions. > > From that, one should not be faulted for assuming that repoman is the > more important tool, if not preferred tool, with pkgdev coming in > second place. > pkgcheck comes across as entirely optional and even seems equivalent > to 'repoman full', and how would one know that pkgcommit even exists?
I believe the very purpose of this thread is to have a consensus/pre- announcement before actually editing the official documentation as part of the process of deprecating repoman. > That all said, most of my checks are done pre-commit, not pre-push. > It's annoying trying to unwind a commit with a mistake in git, so I > aim to not have any in the commit itself. By the time I get to the > push stage, everything MUST be perfect before I hit 'git push'. > Cause once something is public, there's no going back. In a handful > of cases, I've gone as far as nuking my local copy of the tree, re- > cloning it, and re-doing everything again just to fix a mistake that > I should have caught pre-commit. git commit --amend, interactive rebase, etc (all before push). I suggest to learn them and embrace them. Re-cloning is not fun, just for something that a quick interactive rebase or even a git reset -- hard destructive operation instead of re-clone would solve. Also the benefit of using pkgcheck is to actually be able to make the same checks that CI would do before you push, so you can amend your commits to fix issues before they hit the server and CI and break the tree. pkgcheck is so fast that it can do full tree checks in a reasonable time (repoman would take days on a radiator mips when you go outside single package), and I believe has features to have it check all your commits that haven't been pushed yet at once, checking only what it can to not be too slow to not use (so you don't need to run the check with each commit but for all of them once you commit - and if issues, again, git interactive rebase). repoman does not catch many many QA issues that pkgcheck (and therefore CI) does. > How about making an edit to repoman to have it throw a deprecation > warning for itself and to install whatever we all agree should > replace it? I would think that's a natural next step after this thread, and why this thread exists. > > Mart