Just wondering, is there a "migration guide" or something?  I've never
used pkg* since joining in 2005.  I can derive some things from the
first look at the below commit, but an "expert opinion" to just map the
standard things from repoman to appropriate commands would be nice.

Are those pkg* keyworded *everywhere*, by the way?


On 11-03-2022 13:19:34 -0800, Matt Turner wrote:
> I've filed a PR against devmanual.git to remove references to repoman
> and replace them with references to pkgdev where appropriate. Most
> everywhere already had pkgdev/pkgcheck text in place so there wasn't
> much to do. See: https://github.com/gentoo/devmanual/pull/274

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level

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