On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 1:41 PM Kenton Groombridge <conc...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 22/08/25 01:04PM, Mike Gilbert wrote:
> > We could introduce a new function to install distro-specific overrides
> > in [/usr]/lib/systemd/system.
> >
> I think that's a good idea. systemd_{new,do}serviceconf maybe?
> As I understand it these should go to /usr/lib/[...].

The correct path to use depends on the type of unit and the
"split-usr" USE flag.

With split-usr enabled, overrides for system service units go in
With split-usr disabled, overrides for system services units go in
Overrides for user service units would always go in

We will be phasing out split-usr later this year due to pressure from
systemd upstream to stop supporting it.

Anyway, there are already functions to get the correct path based on
pkg-config in the systemd.eclass.

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