On 2023-04-17 09:37, Florian Schmaus wrote:
> The EGO_SUM alternatives
> - do not have the same level of trust and therefore have a negative 
> impact on security (a dubious tarball someone put somewhere, especially 
> when proxy-maint)

Solution: generate release tarballs in upstream CI/CD.

> - are not easily verifiable

`go mod verify` (called by eclass) does part of the job.

> - require additional effort when developing ebuilds

Generating EGO_SUM needs effort on every bump too.

> - hinder the packaging and Gentoo's adoption of Go-based projects, which 
> is worrisome as Go is very popular

Go's approach to package management is the prime cause after all.
Downstream can only choose what workaround to apply.

> - prevent Go modules from being shared as DISTFILES on the mirrors 
> across various packages

Go modules often use pinned commits, so only a small share is reused.
> Last but not least, we have the same situation in the Rust ecosystem, 
> but we allow the EGO_SUM "equivalent" there.

Rust crates are not such a disaster as Go modules.

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