Florian Schmaus <f...@gentoo.org> writes:

> [[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]]
> Posted to gentoo-dev@ since we are now entering a technical discussion
> again.
> For those who did not follow gentoo-project@, the previous posts include:
> https://marc.info/?l=gentoo-project&m=168918875000738&w=2
> https://marc.info/?l=gentoo-project&m=168881103930591&w=2
> On 12/07/2023 21.28, Alec Warner wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 12:07 PM Florian Schmaus <f...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> Apologies for not replying to everyone individually.
>>> I thank my fellow council candidates who took the time to reply to this
>>> sensitive and obviously controversial matter. I understand that not
>>> everyone feels comfortable taking a stance in this discussion.
>>> I asked the other council candidates about their opinion on EGO_SUM.
>>> Unfortunately, some replies included only a rather shallow answer. A few
>>> focused on criticism of my actions and how I approach the issue. Which
>>> is obviously fine. I read it all and have empathy for everyone who feels
>>> aggravated. You may or may not share the complaints. But let us focus on
>>> the actual matter for a moment.
>>> Even the voices raised for a restricted reintroduction of EGO_SUM just
>>> mention an abstract limit [1]. A concrete limit is not mentioned,
>>> although I asked for it and provided my idea including specific limits.
>>> Not knowing the concrete figures others have in mind makes it difficult
>>> to find a compromise. For example, a fellow council candidate postulated
>>> that it would be quicker for me to implement a limit-check in pkgcheck
>>> than discuss EGO_SUM. I wish that were the case. Unfortunately it is

I think this misrepresents my point. All I said was that a bound should
be added matching what's in Portage right now.

Please in future respond to me directly if you're going to claim something 
about what I've said.

> [...]
> EGO_SUM affects two dimensions that could be limited/restricted:
> A) the process environment, which may run into the Linux kernel
>    environment limit on exec(3)
> B) the size of the package directory, where EGO_SUM affects the size of
>    ebuilds and the Manifest
> [...]
> A), however, is a different beast. There is undeniably a
> kernel-enforced limit that we could hit due to an extremely large
> EGO_SUM (among other things). However, the only bug report I know that
> runs into this kernel limit was with texlive (bug #719202). The low
> number of recorded bugs caused by the environment limit matches with
> the fact that even the ebuild with the most EGO_SUM entries that I
> ever analyzed, app-containers/cri-o-1.23.1 (2022-02-16) with 2052
> EGO_SUM entries, does *not* run into the environment limit.

I thought I'd gave you a list before, but maybe it was someone else.

Anyway, a non-exhaustive list (I remember maybe two more but I got bored):
* https://bugs.gentoo.org/829545 ("app-admin/vault-1.9.1 - find: The 
environment is too large for exec().")
* https://bugs.gentoo.org/829684 ("app-metrics/prometheus-2.31.1 - find: The 
environment is too large for exec().")
* https://bugs.gentoo.org/830187 (you're CC'd on this) ("go lang ebuild: 
SRC_URI too long that it causes "Argument list too long" error")
* https://bugs.gentoo.org/831265 ("sys-cluster/minikube-1.24.0 - find: The 
environment is too large for exec().")
* a0be89b772474e3336d3de699d71482aa89d2444 ("app-emulation/nerdctl: drop 

Other related bugs (as it's useful as a summary of where we are):
* https://bugs.gentoo.org/540146 ("sys-apps/portage: limit no of exported 
variables in EAPI 6")
* https://bugs.gentoo.org/720180 ("sys-apps/portage: add support to delay 
export of "A" variable until last moment")
* https://bugs.gentoo.org/721088 ("[Future EAPI] Don't export A")
* https://bugs.gentoo.org/833567 ("[Future EAPI] src_fetch_extra phase the runs 
after src_unpack")

I am not aware of a bug (yet?) for radhermit's suggestion wrt external
helpers which is related but different to exporting fewer variables.


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