On 05/10/2023 06.12, Michał Górny wrote:
> On Wed, 2023-10-04 at 21:43 +0300, Arthur Zamarin wrote:
>> Specification
>> =============
>> ...
>> Must conform to PMS sections 4.4 [#PMS-4.4]_ and 5.2.8 [#PMS-5.2.8]_. This 
>> further limits the syntax to one item per line, without any leading or
>> proceeding whitespaces, no comments inside the packages list, and no blank
>> lines between items in the list.
> That kinda sucks.  For very long masks, it is useful to be able to split
> the entry into subgroups.  I suppose it's technically still doable via
> splitting the entry but that sounds a bit backwards.

Good point. I'll update the draft to allow single blank lines between
package lists, but I'll still add recommendation to consider splitting
into multiple separate masks.

Arthur Zamarin
Gentoo Linux developer (Python, pkgcore stack, Arch Teams, GURU)

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