On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 15:08 +0100, Herbert Szumovski wrote:
> I would remove LILO completely. It had it's time 10 years
> ago, but it's really bad compared to GRUB, I skipped it years ago
> when I heard about GRUB for the first time.

No way.

My girlfriend recently performed a Gentoo install all on her own.  She
didn't want my help and followed the Handbook.  After 4 hours of trying
to get grub to actually boot her machine, she asked me for help.  Even
with the help of both myself and plasmaroo (the genkernel maintainer),
we were unable to get her machine booting using grub.

She got lilo working in 2 minutes.

> GRUB is a lot less dangerous and a lot more flexible than LILO,
> and every newbie should use it.  It doesn't make sense for a
> LINUX beginner to install LILO (well, I believe it doesn't make
> sense for anybody, but that's another story :-) ).

I agree with you that grub is the better solution, but I definitely
think we should keep the lilo instructions, not only for completeness,
but also for those that have problems getting grub working.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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