2005-03-06, Xavier Neys sanoi, jotta:

> Regarding Flammie's comments:
> <pre> getting too wide was to be expected.
> I reset it to 0.90em and added overflow:auto;
> It adds a scroll bar whenever necessary. It looks nice here but I
> wonder how well this is supported on other browsers/platforms.

It should be supported on firefox, but doesn't work for me. What it does
is that it assigns scrollable frame to all code listings*, but it still
stretches them and doesn't create scroll bars. Don't know if it's their
bug or problem with the layout of the page.

*) the scrollability of code block can be detected by the fact that it
becomes opaque with regard to x level events and no longer passes mouse
wheel events to the main window, making scrolling harder. 

Other than that, the I'd usually complain for as big changes to font
size as 10%, but seeing it doesn't seem to be so bad with monospaced
font, probably because they are usually smaller anyways.

> BTW, stating your screen resolution without saying what fonts at what
> sizes are actually used is kinda useless.

Well, it does have the use that you'll know how reasonable the testing
equipment was. I only indicated them to tell that I'm testing on some
setup that is quite near to average user and not something like 3560x768
pixel desktop with maximized window and cat-sized characters.

But for closer diagnostics you would of course add physical dimensions
of monitor, dpi settings, font renderer used and its settings to report
at bare minimum.
Flammie, Gentoo Linux Documentation's Finnish head translator.

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