Marius Mauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Sun, 27
Jul 2008 03:32:10 +0200:

> I did some benchmarking a while ago with different combinations of -j
> and -l in MAKEOPTS, using the kernel as testcase, and IIRC the fastest
> builds were around -l6.0 (on a dual-core system) and high (or unlimited)
> values for -j

FWIW...  My experience suggests that there's some sort of race condition 
with the job count.  I was getting occasional very irritating errors to 
the effect of "Job count is 17, should be 16" (or possibly the reverse), 
that would terminate the build.  Rerunning it wouldn't trigger the 
problem again.  By setting unlimited jobs (-j with no appended number), I 
avoided whatever it was, or at least haven't seen it since.

I don't know enough about make's parallel job processing (OK, I simply 
know that it normally works, which makes it irritating when it doesn't) 
to have the foggiest what that was all about, except to assume it had to 
be some sort of race condition on the job counter.

Has anyone else seen similar?

Anyway, that's why I ultimately ended up with -j -lX, using the -lX part 
to do the limiting.  With the previous simple job-at-a-time emerging, the 
few cases where -lX wasn't honored and therefore wasn't limiting wasn't a 
problem.  Of course, there's some adjusting to be done now. =8^)  But 
it's for a good reason! =8^)  (I've already decided that --jobs=10 is 
going to need changed, I'm intuiting it needs to go up, but it's possible 
I need to lower it.  More experimentation is necessary! =8^)

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"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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