On 09/15/2014 11:42 AM, Bertrand Simonnet wrote:
> I replaced the FEATURES gate by a profile-formats option.
> I added some logic to find layout.conf for a given profile path. (find
> the first
> parent dir named profiles then check ../metadata/layout.conf)
> Is there a corner case that I missed?

I all looks good to me, except that I don't like the way that
__profile_env_enabled parses the layout.conf for each directory, since
it's terribly inefficient. It would be much better to parse the
layout.conf data on the python side, and pass it to bash as an
environment variable. For example, the PORTAGE_ECLASS_LOCATIONS variable
is generated in python such that eval can be used to convert it to an
array. We can add a similar array variable called
PORTAGE_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES, and each element of the array will
correspond to the profile path at the same index in the path_array variable.

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