On 22 Oct 2015 12:54, Paul Varner wrote:
> Mike, I know you're busy with other stuff, but if you ever want to see a
> new gentoolkit/gentoolkit-dev release, consider this your authorization
> to just do it.  The README.dev files state how to make releases.

thanks, i think this will help a lot

> Since, the tools have dwindled down in gentoolkit-dev, I do think it
> does make sense to keep it in the same repo and merge the packages
> together behind a USE flag.  I will revert the commit, that emptied the
> genttolkit-dev branch and ask mgorny to nuke the new gentoolkit-dev
> repository.
> As I get time, I will work towards moving the gentoolkit-dev tools into
> gentoolkit and putting them behind a USE flag in the ebuild.

i'm no distutils expert, and every time i try to do something "fancy",
i get frustrated by the module :).  do people know of examples where
you can do optional installs with a flag ?  a cookbook sort of entry
here would help and i could take care of merging in say ekeyword.

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